Monday, July 19, 2010

Production Binder

Really digging the writing software Scrivener as my research and production binder. Jumping in with both feet using it to break the script into scenes and packaging scenes with translations (script is in Japanese), location photos, shooting floor plans, etc. I can add keywords/tags so that if I want only certain information I can do a search and then output a PDF with only the info I want or I can output the whole binder and push it to my iPad to reference on the road.

Saturday, July 17, 2010


The journey to writing the sequel to SAKI begins even though I'm crazy busy with post production on SAKI part one and busy with pre production on another film I'm DPing. Writing is what keeps me sane.


Debating on whether to use Scrivner software for my next feature script. I like the index card tools but ultimately it's a linear based organization of the cards like Celtx or Final Draft. I've adapted to Celtx and like it but at least Scrivner has some additional features like folders for index cards. Decisions, decisions!