Monday, February 26, 2007

Everybody's Different

FILM: Everybody's Different

PROS: Sincere with very intimate photography.
CONS: Repetitive and ultimately unrevealing portrait of a person.

RATING: 3 / 5
This film exudes sincerity but does nothing to reveal a bigger story that must or should exist. There is no personal story that is unworthy of being told but featured films and featured documentaries are about subjects that are or are claimed to be bigger than life itself - otherwise a film is just a home movie that is only relevant to a very small crowd and does not need to be "featured." But that's not the main criticism here. This film does a great job grabbing one's attention by strumming an emotional chord with it's intimate look and feel and sound but that's a parlor trick by today's standards. It's what you do with that attention that defines a film - offer something that defies expectations. We live in an information age where defining "autism" is as easy as clicking a mouse. But the words of a definition, the pictures of an autistic kid, or even video demonstrating the effects of autism do nothing more other than offer a cold definition unless meaningful context is built around it all.

1 comment:

Maddy said...

I've not heard of that one. Is it on general release?