definitely more caricatures than "real" peoples - like stylized
comicbook characters. Your film is very unique amongst the other film
on The Lot - defintely worth checking out by others.
behindtheart | Mar 03, 2007
When the film started I was taken back by the acting Then I thought
maybe it's over the top on purpose. I liked that it had a styl and a
pace. And it ende up being a fun film. I think you have potential as a
director. Ive seen a hand full of film on here that I loved Im a vey
hard cell. No one looks at my film its hard to find but if you have a
chace to see somthing very very out of the box that will touch your
spirit please take a look. good luck
SKYGUY: Thanks for checking GUNPLAY out!
schwartzman | Mar 04, 2007
Liked it.
SKYGUY: I totaly agree that stylized dialog would have been great -
I'm big fan of the film "Brick" which was based on Dashiell Hammett's
style of writing but in a contemporary highschool setting. My film was
defintely an excersize in style and for the sake of getting all the
angles and shots I wanted I opted to omit dialog. Thanks cool review
steven_scott | Mar 04, 2007
Cool strobe effect. Has that slightly rotoscopic Waking Life look at
times. It'd be cool to see that developed a bit more, to stylize it to
the point of creating a totally new effect. Really, really like the
tilting, ever-shifting camera angles. The acting was a bit cheesy,
especially the girl. Choice of casting is dubious. I can't really
believe these people as gun-wielding bad guys. The perfect choice of
music to keep the energy going, since there's no dialogue. Speaking
of...I would love to see this with just a string of sexy one-liners,
almost like Beat Era poets, passed from one character to another, like
b*tchslaps. Really smart dialogue, though, or else forget it. Overall,
quite enjoyed it.
SKYGUY: I can agree that the action is drawn out but that is
essentially the point of GUNPLAY - the most powerful aspect of a gun
is it's threat of force and not the actual flash-bang. Using that
theme, I tried to think of an interesting paradox that played with
what a gun can do besides just shoot someone.
Timothywen | Mar 04, 2007
Nice, the editting a too drawn out for my taste . but different
strokes for different folks
Mine is hard boiled type. alot of shoot em up type
please see
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