Friday, March 09, 2007


SKYGUY: Yes, I tried very hard to telegraph everything - some found it
to be too much and others didn't get it at all. I tried to find that
sweet spot of subtlety without being too abstract about my ideas -
then again, I tend to lean towards the commercial sensibility of
wanting to explicate everything. I learn balance with every film I
make. And I back my actors up 100% - there's always room for
improvement but they did a bang-up job for me on set and on screen.

behindtheart | Mar 09, 2007

The acting was? You tryed to hard telagraphing evreything. So
pradictable. I cant spell . The style it was shot in was nice it had a
look. leave somthing to think about. Paint an abstract and let the
breath find the truth.


SKYGUY: Thanks Hitman_1942! Omitting dialog was a big help in being
able to shoot the coverage I wanted in the time I had. Most don't
realize that the quality of audio, especially dialog, can really make
or break a film. I'll be sure to check out your film. Thanks again for

Hitman_1942 | Mar 04, 2007

That was actually kinda funny. I liked the animation you did while he
was throwing the gun. I should start making movies where nobody talks
then they won't have to worry about messing up their lines.
Check out The Habit


SKYGUY: Thanks for recognizing the music! That's all scored by Isaac
Agyeman - really nice guy. We worked hard on getting the right sound
going through several themes and styles. I really do like dealing with
cinematography - it plays an important role in telling my stories. But
directing is the grand challenge. Directing is so abstract in the ways
you can approach it that I am drawn by its mystery. Thanks for

maxtone | Mar 04, 2007
The audio on intro was a little low.
Though I didn't fully understand project - you get an "A+" for the
MUSIC. It was AWESOME! Love those beats.
You had some very FABULOUS shots though. Lighting was good too. You
have a GREAT EYE for details. Just work on the script more. I know it
was challenging without dialogue.
Good luck.


SKYGUY: I like me a good, in depth, story as well. But this was more
of an exercise in plotting and fast action. Hopefully my latest film
and my future films will show more of my strength in story. I've also
started a story writing excersize on my blog should you care to check
it out:
Thanks for the review!

ouneoas | Mar 04, 2007

Nice job on the shot selection and the music( I really liked it).
There were times where the fast motion to regular motion shots were a
little to much. And I agree with maxtone that your story isn't really
there, not to say thats a bad thing per say, just my preference. All
in all nice job and good luck. Thanks for the review.


Thanks Victor! My latest short, "The Richter Effect," has more dialog
and will be showing at the Newport Beach Film Festival. You can catch
the teaser here:
Thanks for the kind review!

victorpeceno | Mar 04, 2007

Good music
i miss dialogue but even without it
it is entertainning
good job


SKYGUY: I'm glad the end worked for you - it's been a topic of debate
but I'm happy with the ending I decided to go with. Thanks for
dropping by.

jrhndrsn | Mar 04, 2007
The music throughout the film really carried the suspense. The guns
were used in an unexpected way.


SKYGUY: Why you're welcome! And have another drink on me!

baddsully | Mar 04, 2007
hello. thank you. and good luck.

yeah, i'm drunk on a sunday. and?

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